"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
click pic to reminisce

Enough is Enough  

Posted by howard in nyc


The funny thing about the proverbial last straw of hay that breaks the camel's back.  Knowing when and which is difficult to impossible, even when one knows not much more can be added to the load, without disaster as a result.

I'm talking 'bout me, not the economy.  Specifically, me and the nine wise old white people in black robes (yeah, I said it, Clarence; I grant you honorary whiteness, which I hope will please you and satisfy your long-standing desires.  Sonia, sorry, I don't mean to be rude to you; I was just making a cheap Justice Thomas joke; you still brown.)  I've had enough of the Supreme Court of the United States.

I easily could've reached this point after Bush v. Gore 2000 (instead I yielded to the obvious logic that 5 is greater than 4, hence dubya won the election).  The blow to private property rights that was Kelo v. City of New London 2005 could have easily been my last straw, being such a big fan of government protection of private property rights.  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 2010 was the relative breaking point for many other progressive-minded citizens, although for far too many folks this served as a bullshit rationale to vote to re-elect the Nobel winning war monger.  We need slightly less horrible Supreme Court justices, so in two or three decades we can get some small return of some of our constitutionally guaranteed rights!  Not even the hilarity of a free market GOP appointed chief justice casting the deciding vote upholding Obamacare, National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius 2012 (they didn't even give it a cool, easily remembered name).

No, I continued to pay attention to the joke that the Supreme Court has become.  I continued to behave as if what these esteemed nine people thought and ruled was based on some logic or rationality, other than keep the power flowing to the clowns in the center, keep the wealth flowing from the many to the few.

Until now.  Shelby County v. Holder 2013.  That will be enough, thank you.  You kind folks repealed two aspects of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, despite their continued effectiveness all these decades, despite their recent renewals by votes in Congress.  While you folks are fine and dandy with increasing Federal power over so many other areas of our lives, you gut federal power where it is utilized, successfully (easily demonstrable to anyone who can count), to let people vote.

Yeah, I'm through with y'all.  I should've been long ago, as the rule of law is a joke at so many other levels of the system.  When Jon Corzine is two years later charged with a civil violation for his theft of $1 billion, but a physician who's secretary writes down the wrong four-digit diagnostic code, accidentally overcharging Medicare $12 is threatened with a criminal fraud charge and fucking prison, I persisted in actually reading, paying attention to, and actually caring about Supreme Court decisions.  No más.  You nine are just another bunch of clowns in the show; as relevant to reality or history as was the Tawney court that rendered Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857, which was in turn rendered null and void a brief four years later.  Or the abject joke that was Plessy v. Ferguson 1896--calling something equal somehow didn't magically make them equal--imagine that!

You folks go into that same dustbin, reserved for honored jurists who served entrenched elite interests, until rolled over by history and reality.  Not 'will be' tossed into that dustbin; I'm putting you there right now.  Cause I's hads enoughs; and enoughs is too muchs!


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